#let configuration = yaml("../content/content.yaml") #let settings = yaml("../settings.yaml") #show link: set text(blue) #show heading: h => [ #set text( size: eval(settings.font.size.heading_large), font: settings.font.general ) #h ] #let sidebarSection = {[ #par(justify: true)[ #par[ #set text( size: eval(settings.font.size.contacts), font: settings.font.minor_highlight, ) Email: #link("mailto:" + configuration.contacts.email) \ Phone: #link("tel:" + configuration.contacts.phone) \ LinkedIn: #link(configuration.contacts.linkedin)[#configuration.contacts.name] \ #configuration.contacts.address ] #line(length: 100%) ] = Summary #par[ #set text( eval(settings.font.size.education_description), font: settings.font.minor_highlight, ) An experienced *software engineer* with a confident grasp of *protocols*, *infrastructure*, *system design* and *fluid dynamics*, seeking opportunities for research I can take pride in. Open to roles in research. ] = Education #{ for place in configuration.education [ #par[ #set text( size: eval(settings.font.size.heading), font: settings.font.general ) #place.from – #place.to \ #link(place.university.link)[#place.university.name] ] #par[ #set text( eval(settings.font.size.education_description), font: settings.font.minor_highlight, ) #place.degree #place.major \ #place.track track ] ] } = Skills #{ for skill in configuration.skills [ #par[ #set text( size: eval(settings.font.size.description), ) #set text( // size: eval(settings.font.size.tags), font: settings.font.minor_highlight, ) *#skill.name* #linebreak() #skill.items.join(" • ") ] ] } ]} #let mainSection = {[ // #par[ // #set align(center) // #figure( // image("images/Kodak 20 Zanvoort Lumi.jpg", width: 6em), // placement: top, // ) // ] #par[ #set text( size: eval(settings.font.size.heading_huge), font: settings.font.general, ) *#configuration.contacts.name* ] #par[ #set text( size: eval(settings.font.size.heading), font: settings.font.minor_highlight, top-edge: 0pt ) #configuration.contacts.title ] = Experience #{ for job in configuration.jobs [ #par(justify: false)[ #set text( size: eval(settings.font.size.heading), font: settings.font.general ) #job.from – #job.to \ *#job.position* #link(job.company.link)[\@ #job.company.name] ] #par( justify: false, leading: eval(settings.paragraph.leading) )[ #set text( size: eval(settings.font.size.description), font: settings.font.general ) #{ for point in job.description [ #h(0.5cm) • #point \ ] } ] #par( justify: true, leading: eval(settings.paragraph.leading), )[ #set text( size: eval(settings.font.size.tags), font: settings.font.minor_highlight ) #{ let tag_line = job.tags.join(" • ") tag_line } ] ] } ]} #{ grid( columns: (2fr, 5fr), column-gutter: 3em, sidebarSection, mainSection, ) }