path: root/modules/remote-sycl/c++/remote.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/remote-sycl/c++/remote.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 271 deletions
diff --git a/modules/remote-sycl/c++/remote.hpp b/modules/remote-sycl/c++/remote.hpp
index 8ec4667..fe13612 100644
--- a/modules/remote-sycl/c++/remote.hpp
+++ b/modules/remote-sycl/c++/remote.hpp
@@ -1,277 +1,6 @@
#pragma once
-#include "common.hpp"
-#include "data.hpp"
-#include "device.hpp"
-#include "transfer.hpp"
namespace saw {
- * Remote data class for the Sycl backend.
- */
-template<typename T, typename Encoding, typename Storage>
-class remote_data<T, Encoding, Storage, rmt::Sycl> final {
- /**
- * An identifier to the data being held on the remote
- */
- id<T> data_id_;
- /**
- * The sycl queue object
- */
- cl::sycl::queue* queue_;
- /**
- * Main constructor
- */
- remote_data(id<T> data_id__, cl::sycl::queue& queue__):
- data_id_{data_id__},
- queue_{&queue__}
- {}
- /**
- * Destructor specifically designed to deallocate on the device.
- */
- ~remote_data(){}
- SAW_FORBID_COPY(remote_data);
- SAW_FORBID_MOVE(remote_data);
- /**
- remote_data(const id<T>& id, id_map<T, Encoding, rmt::Sycl>& map, cl::sycl::queue& queue__):
- id_{id},
- map_{&map}
- {}
- */
- /**
- * Wait for the data
- */
- error_or<data<T,Encoding,Storage>> wait(){
- return make_error<err::not_implemented>();
- }
- /**
- * Request data asynchronously
- */
- // conveyor<data<T,Encoding,Storage>> on_receive(); /// Stopped here
- * Meant to be a helper object which holds the allocated data on the sycl side
- */
-//template<typename Schema, typename Encoding, typename Backend>
-//class device_data;
- * This class helps in regards to the ownership on the server side
-template<typename Schema, typename Encoding>
-class device_data<Schema, Encoding, rmt::Sycl> {
- data<Schema,Encoding,storage::Default>* device_data_;
- cl::sycl::queue* queue_;
- device_data(data<Schema,Encoding,storage::Default>& device_data__, cl::sycl::queue& queue__):
- device_data_{&device_data__},
- queue_{&queue__}
- {}
- ~device_data(){
- if(device_data_){
- cl::sycl::free(device_data_,queue_);
- device_data_ = nullptr;
- }
- }
- SAW_FORBID_COPY(device_data);
- SAW_FORBID_MOVE(device_data);
- */
-// Maybe a helper impl tmpl file?
-namespace saw {
-namespace impl {
-template<typename Func>
-struct rpc_func_type_helper;
-template<typename Response, typename Request>
-struct rpc_func_type_helper<schema::Function<Request, Response>>{
- using type = tmpl_group<Response, Request>;
-template<typename Iface>
-struct rpc_iface_type_helper {
- using type = tmpl_group<>;
-template<typename Func, string_literal K, typename... Functions, string_literal... Keys>
-struct rpc_iface_type_helper<schema::Interface<schema::Member<Func,K>,schema::Member<Functions,Keys>...>> {
- using inner_type = typename rpc_func_type_helper<Func>::type;
- using type = typename tmpl_concat<inner_type, typename rpc_iface_type_helper<schema::Interface<schema::Member<Functions,Keys>...>>::type>::type;
- * Rpc Client class for the Sycl backend.
- */
-template<typename Iface, typename Encoding, typename Storage>
-class rpc_client<Iface, Encoding, Storage, rmt::Sycl> {
- /**
- * Server this client is tied to
- */
- rpc_server<Iface, Encoding, Storage, rmt::Sycl>* srv_;
- /**
- * TransferClient created from the internal RPC data server
- */
- data_client<typename impl::rpc_iface_type_helper<Iface>::type, Encoding, rmt::Sycl> data_client_;
- /**
- * Generated some sort of id for the request.
- */
- rpc_client(rpc_server<Iface, Encoding, Storage, rmt::Sycl>& srv):
- srv_{&srv},
- data_client_{srv_->data_server}
- {}
- /**
- * Rpc call
- */
- template<string_literal Name>
- error_or<
- id<
- typename schema_member_type<Name, Iface>::type::ResponseT
- >
- > call(const data_or_id<typename schema_member_type<Name, Iface>::type::RequestT, Encoding, Storage>& input){
- auto next_free_id = srv_->template next_free_id<typename schema_member_type<Name, Iface>::type::ResponseT>();
- return srv_->template call<Name, Storage>(input, next_free_id);
- }
- * Rpc Server class for the Sycl backend.
- */
-template<typename Iface, typename Encoding>
-class rpc_server<Iface, Encoding, storage::Default, rmt::Sycl> {
- using InterfaceCtxT = cl::sycl::queue*;
- using InterfaceT = interface<Iface, Encoding, storage::Default, InterfaceCtxT>;
- /**
- * Device instance enabling the use of the remote device.
- */
- our<device<rmt::Sycl>> device_;
- using DataServerT = data_server<typename impl::rpc_iface_type_helper<Iface>::type, Encoding, rmt::Sycl>;
- /**
- * Data server storing the relevant data
- */
- DataServerT* data_server_;
- /**
- * The interface including the relevant context class.
- */
- interface<Iface, Encoding, storage::Default, InterfaceCtxT> cl_interface_;
- /**
- * Main constructor
- */
- rpc_server(our<device<rmt::Sycl>> dev__, DataServerT& data_server__, InterfaceT cl_iface):
- device_{std::move(dev__)},
- data_server_{&data_server__},
- cl_interface_{std::move(cl_iface)}
- {}
- /**
- * Ask which id the server prefers as the next one. Only available for fast requests on no roundtrip setups.
- */
- /**
- template<typename T>
- id<T> next_free_id() const {
- return std::get<id_map<T,Encoding,rmt::Sycl>>(storage_.maps).next_free_id();
- }
- */
- /**
- template<typename IdT, typename Storage>
- remote_data<IdT, Encoding, Storage, rmt::Sycl> request_data(id<IdT> dat_id){
- return {dat_id, std::get<id_map<IdT,Encoding,rmt::Sycl>>(storage_.maps), device_->get_handle()};
- }
- */
- /**
- * Rpc call based on the name
- */
- template<string_literal Name>
- error_or<
- id<
- typename schema_member_type<Name, Iface>::type::ResponseT
- >
- > call(data_or_id<typename schema_member_type<Name, Iface>::type::RequestT, Encoding, storage::Default> input, id<typename schema_member_type<Name,Iface>::type::ResponseT> rpc_id){
- using FuncT = typename schema_member_type<Name, Iface>::type;
- /**
- * Object needed if and only if the provided data type is not an id
- */
- own<data<typename FuncT::RequestT, Encoding, rmt::Sycl>> dev_tmp_inp = nullptr;
- /**
- * First check if it's data or an id.
- * If it's an id, check if it's registered within the storage and retrieve it.
- */
- auto eoinp = [&,this]() -> error_or<data<typename FuncT::RequestT, Encoding, rmt::Sycl>* > {
- if(input.is_id()){
- // storage_.maps
- auto eov = data_server_->template find<typename FuncT::RequestT>(input.get_id());
- if(eov.is_error()){
- return std::move(eov.get_error());
- }
- return eov.get_value();
- } else {
- auto& client_data = input.get_data();
- auto eov = device_->template copy_to_device(client_data);
- if(eov.is_error()){
- return std::move(eov.get_error());
- }
- auto& val = eov.get_value();
- dev_tmp_inp = heap<data<typename FuncT::RequestT, Encoding, rmt::Sycl>>(std::move(val));
- device_->get_handle().wait();
- return dev_tmp_inp.get();
- }
- }();
- if(eoinp.is_error()){
- return std::move(eoinp.get_error());
- }
- auto& inp = *(eoinp.get_value());
- auto eod = cl_interface_.template call<Name>(inp, &(device_->get_handle()));
- if(eod.is_error()){
- return std::move(eod.get_error());
- }
- auto& val = eod.get_value();
- /**
- * Store returned data in rpc storage
- */
- auto eoid = data_server_->template insert<typename schema_member_type<Name, Iface>::type::RequestT>(std::move(val), rpc_id);
- if(eoid.is_error()){
- return std::move(eoid.get_error());
- }
- return rpc_id;
- }
struct remote_address<rmt::Sycl> {